
Loan Insurance

You are an individual and you would like to take out a loan for your main residence, your second home or a buy to let property? Your real estate loan should be accompanied by a loan insurance that covers the risks of death, total and irreversible loss of autonomy (perte totale et irréversible d’autonomie - (PTIA)), total temporary disability (incapacité temporaire totale (ITT)) and total permanent invalidity (invalidité permanente totale (IPT)). You also have the possibility to be covered against the risk of unemployment. Consult’Immo Finance guides you in your choice according to your financial situation to face these hazards of life.

assurance emprunteur

Foresight – Protection of your Family – Life Insurance

You are an individual and you simply would like to be counseled on insurance matters involving you and your loved ones ? Consult’Immo Finance provides you with its expertise in different areas: foresight, health insurance, health care plans, death benefit.

Insurances for professionals and companies

You are a professional, a corporate manager or self-employed and you would like to cover your activities? Consult’Immo Finance suggests business insurances, insurances for managers, health care plans for employees.